Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Laid Back in Hong Kong

Today (Wednesday) was a very laid back day for the two of us. We didn't get out of the room until about 11:30. And yes,,,, I'm still 100% on p90x workout days. After leaving the room we headed strait to Hong Kong island on the ferry. We did some shopping around but everything was so americanized and the prices were the same or higher as in the US,,, so we didn't buy much. We tried to eat lunch at a Chinese restaurant at the four seasons which is supposed to be amazing. I guess it is because they were booked for a solid week,,,,, for lunch! We ended up eating at another restaurant at the four seasons which was very good. We shared an Indian dish and I drank Japanese beer.

After lunch we walked around the Hollywood / Soho district which was all Chinese knick knack type of stuff. We saw a cute Dragon that would look great on our shelf at home. We walked in the store (after the guy had to buzz us in) and asked how much. He spoke just about zero "engrish". He pointed and smiled and said "wagon"? (meaning dragon). He handed us the calculator showing 30,000 HKD (hong kong dollars) which is about $3500 US. I smiled and started heading for the door. He kept trying to hand the calculator saying "you price, you price, you price" asking me to name my price. I didn't want to insult him so we left. I figured it would be about $50 to $100 US at the most.

After that we headed back to Eddie's for our second fitting. The suits looked amazing. Katie and I were both very happy with our decisions. After Eddie's we walked around a bit more. We went to a few of the non-brand name malls along the strip. We ended up eating Italian, again, at one of the restaurants in the mall. After that we went back on the strip for more shopping.

We ended up in a camera store and somehow we were sold a nice new lens for my camera. After that we did some more clothes shopping. You can actually get some great deals as long as you stay out of the name brand stores. We also stumbled upon a neat electronic store. I now have a new remote control helicopter,,,, I can't get enough :-)

After that we headed back to the hotel for an early night. Overall it was a great laid back,,, vacation style day. Check out the Hong Kong album below,,, I added the photos from today. Talk to you all tomorrow!

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